
20. she/her i draw! every blue moon i pick up a pen and write. i am a fandom account but i will sometimes engage in other topics. i love chili.

+ DNF! basic dni criteria, catradora shippers, hardcore catra fans, historia antis.

+ BYF! i multiship/crackship heavily, so i’m pretty much open to every legal ship in my fandoms. minors are okay to follow, but don’t interact with my raunchier tweets, please. i can get carried away by fandom discourse sometimes. i’m not really comfortable with proshipping.

+ FANDOMS! AOT, Overwatch, Arcane, Cuphead, She-Ra, Epithet Erased, BATIM, Berserk, and Undertale.

+ SHIPS! ARUMIKA, EREHISU, KIXIS, JIKUPIKU, SHAGATH, zevi, levihan, yumihisu, hisuhitch, jeankasa, erulara, jeanpiku., CAITVI, TIMEBOMB, MELCO, melvika, lightcannon, jayvik, vanco. ALLISON x ALICE. farnesca, gutsca. CANDYCLOWN, devildice, carnaberg, honeycakes. RAMSIVAL. JUNKMETRA, SPIDERBYTE, ANAHARDT, MOICY, ouihan, widowhanzo, widowtracer, symbra, pharmetra, gency, bunnyribbit, yeehan, doomkill, mekamechanic. GLIMMADORA, entraptdak, seamista, glimbow, adora x scorpia. KINGDINGS, SORIEL, alphyne, sansphys, papyton.

+ SHIPS I DONT TALK ABOUT! eremika, eruri, mobuhan. CATRADORA, any catra ship tbh.

if you like these ships, that’s great!! but they’re not my taste, so be warned if you otp them and you want to follow me.overall i like romance and old people romance